Our principles
The Knill Group Short paths to success

As a member of the Knill Group, we are part of an independent family concern. Its decentralised structure grants managers and employees a lot of self-responsibility and enables short decision-making paths. We reap synergies from the mutual cooperation that propel us forward. We work with an eye to success and grow organically. We thereby constantly examine our level of performance and optimise our processes to be able to continue to expand in the future.
Innovation & quality We develop forward-looking solutions

We are an innovative partner for our customers because we go down new paths and question normal solutions. Our products and services are of an outstanding quality. We act flexibly and quickly, in that we promote innovation and guarantee short through-put times. We cooperate with our customers and our suppliers (and with research institutes and universities) in order to refine our products and processes.
Customers & partners We are at home in your industry

We focus on the needs of our customers. We determine their requirements in a continuous dialogue and find out how satisfied they really are. We precisely observe the situation on the market and anticipate changes. This enables us to proactively offer innovative solutions to our customers.
Environment & sustainability We grow responsibly

The history of the Knill Group extends back 300 years – that makes us proud. As an enterprise with tradition, we value making a useful contribution to the whole economy. For us, that also includes environmental consciousness and preserving resources. We work just as sustainably with our corporate risks. We consider strategic opportunities very carefully, without endangering the Group. We always give priority to ensuring the long-term future over a short-term maximisation of profits.
Teams & people We work together and think holistically

We are convinced that work in a team produces optimum results. We therefore promote teamwork and recognise joint performances. At the same time, we provide space for individual development. We are always focused on holistic business processes. We work across departments and companies and always look critically at our processes in order to continuously improve them.
Recognition & fairness We communicate openly in a spirit of trust

The acknowledgement of our common goal and regular employee interviews make all members of staff clear about their roles and contributions. The focus for us is on promoting their strengths. We are convinced that pleasure at work is a key factor in achieving success. We therefore provide an attractive environment for our workforce and honour outstanding performance. Our actions are characterised by appreciation and trusting dealings. We attain an exchange of views and understanding through constructive dialogue, intercultural receptiveness and clear communication.
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